Saturday 5 September 2015

School Day Routine + Fitting in Exercise | Saturday Series: Back to School 4 of 4

Well... I start school in 3 days! I'm so excited (and very nervous). Because I'm so type A, OCD, I've already planned out my school routine for each day that I have classes.

6:30am: Wake up, quick shower, brush teeth, wash face
7:00am: Get dressed, do makeup and hair
7:30am: Eat breakfast, wash the dishes
7:55am: Get my things together, head out the door
8:10am: Catch the bus
8:40am: Arrive at college
9:00am: First class of the day!
11:00am: Class ends, eat a snack
11:15am: Free time, can stay at school or go home, or go do errands etc
12:30pm: Lunch
1:00pm: Second class: a lab
4:00pm: Class ends, munch on a snack
4:15pm: Catch bus home
5:00pm: Start preparing dinner
6:00pm: Dinner time, clean up dishes
7:00pm: Free evening (workout)

6:30am: Wake up, quick shower, brush teeth, wash face
7:00am: Get dressed, do makeup and hair
7:30am: Eat breakfast, wash the dishes
Day off school, get laundry done and do meal prep, run errands, clean apartment, workout etc.

6:30am: Wake up, quick shower, brush teeth, wash face
7:00am: Get dressed, do makeup and hair
7:30am: Eat breakfast, wash the dishes
8:00am: Free time (workout)
12:30pm: Lunch
1:00pm: More free time
2:15pm: Catch bus to school
3:00pm: Class
5:00pm: Class ends, catch bus home
5:45pm: Prepare dinner, eat, tidy up dishes
7:00pm: Free Time

6:30am: Wake up, brush teeth, wash face
6:50am: Get dressed, do makeup and hair
7:00am: Eat breakfast, wash the dishes
7:15am: Catch bus to school
8:00am: Class
11:00am: Class ends, snack!
11:15am: Head home
12:30pm: Lunch
1:00pm: Free time (workout)
5:15pm: Catch bus to school
6:00pm: Class
8:00pm: Class ends

6:30am: Wake up, quick shower, brush teeth, wash face
7:00am: Get dressed, do makeup and hair
7:30am: Eat breakfast, wash the dishes
8:00am: Free time (workout)
9:15am: Catch bus to school
10:00am: Class
12:00pm: Quick snack/lunch between classes
2:00pm: Class ends, head home
3:30pm: Snack
3:50pm: Free time
6:30pm: Eat dinner, tidy dishes
7:15pm: Free time

As you can see, I've got a lot of areas that are free time where I have slotted in a workout. Of course, this is tentative and subject to change depending on what I need to get done each day and how much homework I have- I'm also hoping to get a part time job!

Keeping a schedule is so important to me, I'm someone who thrives off routine. Slotting time for a workout is important to me because it's my stress release and helps me to feel relaxed.

I hope you enjoyed my school routine plan and even more, I hope that you are inspire to squeeze in workouts where you can! Just because you're on your own and heading college doesn't mean you have to let those freshman 15 get to you! Best of luck in school!

Thanks for reading, xo, Katelyn

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