Friday 5 June 2015

Food Friday | June 5, 2015


Pizza, brownies, cookies, chips, fries, a greasy burger... all things I'm thinking about right now. For me food cravings come in all forms; sweet things, salty things, savory things. To deal with my cravings I have come up with a little mental system I go through to determine what type of craving I'm having and what I should do to combat said craving.

I have narrowed down my cravings into three simple categories:

 1. Boredom/late night
2. Lacking vitamins
3. Just wanting junk food

Through much research as well as trial and error, I have come up with bullet proof ways to combat all three types of cravings!

1. Boredom/late night

These are definitely two separate things for some people, but for me they both are solved in the same way. If I feel a craving and I can chalk it down to boredom, I generally find something to do with my hands. Whether that's reading a book, doodling in my sketchpad, texting a friend, playing a game on my phone, or whatever it is I can find, occupying myself usually does the trick. If that doesn't work, I'll usually drink a big glass of water or milk. This tricks my mind almost into thinking that I have given in to what it wants. Drinking a glass of milk or water before bed always seems to control my night time cravings. Another little trick I have for at night is to brush my teeth. Even if I don't plan on going to bed right away, I find that if I brush my teeth my urge to eat dissipates immediately.

2. Lacking vitamins

If my craving isn't combated by the means in step one, I then go on to this handy-dandy chart. Whatever it is that I'm craving can usually be understood by a lack of vitamins. This chart is so helpful because without blood tests we can't tell if we are low in vitamins and minerals. This chart shows me what I'm lacking by what I'm craving. This has helped to combat my cravings upon many occasions.

3. Just wanting junk food

If my craving hasn't been combated in step one or step two, then I move on to step three and surrender myself to the craving. I tend to crave ice cream, salt and vinegar chips, and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. When I have these cravings I can almost always skip 1 and 2 because I know that these are my most loved junk foods. When I'm just in the mood for a junk food, I eat the junk food. I'm that person that if there is a bag of chips in front of me, I need to eat the entire bag before I feel satisfied -just one more, just one more. Instead of buying a regular sized bag of chips, I buy a snack pack bag (the $1.49 bags of lays at Mac's). This allows me to feel satisfied that I ate a whole bag of chips, but without eating enough for a family of four. When it comes to ice cream and cookies, they're another thing I just can't say no to. Instead of buying these high fat items at supermarkets I make my own. This way I know what goes into them and I can make them healthier. Also by knowing what goes into them, when I'm craving a cookie I can now control myself to just one a day (maybe two if I'm feeling cheeky) because I know 1. how much butter has gone into them - seeing a whole stick of butter being mixed into sugar kinda grosses me out, and 2. how much the ingredients cost me!!! When I get to step three, I don't deprive myself any longer, I indulge in my craving foods, but in very small portions. It's enough to curb the craving without expanding my waist line.

Not mentioned under any of these categories is a strategy I use for myself to help with abolishing cravings before they even start. I find I have less cravings for junk foods when my fridge is jam packed with colourful, fresh foods. I think the colourful, vibrant side of this photo duo looks so much more appealing than the side that is mainly brown. It also helps me to think about what the food is doing to my body. I try to visualize fatty foods just sitting on my love handles (because that's the part of my body I'm most self conscious about), and I try to visualize nice fresh veggies fueling my body and giving me the energy I need to go out and make the most of this wonderful life. 

If you have any other tips and tricks for curbing your cravings do let me know!

Thanks for reading, xo, Katelyn

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