Sunday 21 February 2016

44. Your Favourite Holiday | 52 Weeks of Gratitude Challenge

This is a tricky one for me; I love celebrating everything and I love holidays! I suppose the typical answer would be Christmas- which I LOVE, don't get me wrong. But I think I'd have to say my favourite holiday is Family Day. This holiday was February 15th and so has just passed. It was a lovely day spent with most of the people I love. I really like family day because it's a chance to spend time with family without the stress that comes with preparing big, fancy meals for holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving. It's simply a day where the government recognizes that families need more time together, especially during this time of Winter Blues.
This year, my family day began with a four hour snow machine ride with my cousin and his girlfriend through the bush trails around our city. Then a good portion of my extended family came over to our house to enjoy home made lentil soup and cake in celebration of my twenty first birthday! It was a perfect day from start to finish.

Does your country have a family day holiday? If so what'd you get up to on yours? Please do let me know in a comment!

Thanks for reading & check back to see what KatieDidd, xo

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