Friday, 5 February 2016

Falling in Love with Portraiture | Photography

This semester of college has us taking a focused portraiture class. I'm going to be honest, I wasn't excited what so ever to be in this class, however I'm now eating my words. I really quite enjoy portraiture! Here are a few of my favourites from the last three weeks of classes.
One Light - Ryan
One Light - Malik
One Light - Malik
Two Light - Erin
Two Light - Erin
Three Light - Erin

I've been absolutely loving learning portraiture techniques and lighting styles. If any of you have photography pages for me to check out leave them in a link below! Mine is

If you have any questions about what it's like to be a photography student please do leave them in a comment!

Thanks for reading & check back to see what KatieDidd, xo