My family is huge on tradition- every year we have certain things we do to celebrate the holidays. Yesterday we crossed two activities off our Christmas list by decorating gingerbread houses and driving around the city to see the Christmas lights that other people have on their homes.
My brother and I worked on the house together. I did the icing and he added the candy decorations. If you can't tell I take the whole ordeal a lot more serious than he does- he couldn't even decorate the other half of the house because he had eaten all the candies!
My dad's birthday is quite close to Christmas- December fifteenth- and he's a huge Star Wars fan, so my grandma got him this gingerbread death star to decorate!
We love these little activities even still being fifteen and twenty. I feel like you're never too old to enjoy decorating a gingerbread house!
After the houses were decorated, my whole family hopped into the truck and went light hunting. There's so many houses in our city that are decorated amazingly! The pictures here are two of five houses in a row that decorated together and timed their lights to the beat of Christmas carols! It's so nice to see how much time and effort people put in to decorating their homes- it makes everybody who goes by slow down and enjoy the lights!
What are some traditions your family has around the holidays? Please do let me know in a comment!
Thanks for reading, xo, Katelyn